Occasional Jumpy Vision

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Ok about a month ago I was under a lot of stress not geting any sleep and having some anxitiy issues. I Always felt run down and tired head aches stiff neck etc. I started to notice that I was feeeling very spacy or detatched if you will. It felt like my vision was off like I was hung over or drunk but with out the alchohol. I then started to notice that my eyes were burning, more so my right eye. I also noticed that the vision field in my right eye was starting to jerk or bounce around if I looked at something, more so at angels like down or to the right side. I went to see my doctor about 2 weeks into these sytoms I told him every thing that was going on he did full check up said that every thing looked fine. He said that it was probably stress and anxitiy precribed me some vallium 10 mg said to take one before bed each night and that should held me get better rest. As far as my eye he suggested that I see a nero optimologist. So after that I followed up with a highly reccomended eye doctor. I then explaned the situation to him he then did a full spectum of tests. The exam took about 1 hour 30 mins. seemed very thorough. In the end he said that I had a slight astigmatism in my right eye which I have had since I was a chid that I knew of. My vision is some what blurry but I can still see images pretty clearly and read 50% of most print in my right eye. My left eye is still in good shape not quite 20/20 but not far off.He then wrote me a precrition for glasses to wear during the day for driving. He said that I would not need reading glasses or biofocals and the every thing else looked great. He said that the jerking or bouncing was probably lack of sleep and stress I sould be fine once the stress has gone away. Well the symtoms still continued after a week I then went back to my doctor and explained that I was still having the jerky or bouncy vision in the right eye. But the other problems were getting better now that I was getting better rest that the head aches the stiff neck the burning of the eyes with the exception of the right eye were getting better. But that I noticed that my right eye was still buring still bouncing or jerky and that now I seemed to notice that it is worse first thing in the morning and that some days were better than others. At one point, at it's worst that it almost felt like my right eye was trying to cross while the other eye was focused really weird sensation. That it would happen through out the day but only last for mybe 3 seconds then stop and be able to focus again.I also have some eye pain behind the eye heres the really weird thing is I have not noticed any decress in my vision not holding things closer or futher away no double vision no halos no dizzyness no other sytoms at all. My vision seems fine its just the jerking or bouncy part it's not my eye physically the doctor has looked and so have I on several occations. The eye stays still I can read the news paper a book read on the computer just fine i do notice that the bouncing or jerking in the right eye can last all day or just part of the day and stop completly or just have a mind of its own. Any way then doc. recomended that I have blood work done full blood panel and full urine panel. The results came back and said every thing was fine nothing wrong blood sugar everything great. Well its been alittle over a month now I can take a full vallium and be up all night long almost all other symtoms have dissipated with the exception of the burning and the jery or bouncy vision the only thing that I was not able to follow through with was fill my precrition for my glasses. Im starting to wonder if this is the reason why this is happening but kind of jaded to due to all thr results, dont want to spend another $400 or $500 dollars on glasses if this is not the problem. But at this point Im willing to try anything anyone have any answers or insight please help me this is driving me crazzyyy!!!!!! The only thing left is to follow up with a neuroloist I think ???

Oscillopsia is a visual disturbance in which objects in the visual field appear to oscillate. The severity of the effect may range from a mild blurring to rapid and periodic jumping. Oscillopsia is an. Double vision; Permanent damage to the eye; Is there a way to prevent eye jumping? If you experience increasingly frequent episodes of eye spasms, you can try to keep a journal and note when they occur. Double vision can also occur during brain cancer, stroke and aneurysm arteries. Blurred Vision – Blurred vision is one of the commonest symptoms of visual disturbances. If the person sees objects and things around to be hazy or dull, then the condition is referred as blurred vision. Cataract is the most common cause of blurred vision in people. An ocular migraine is a rare condition characterized by temporary vision loss or even temporary blindness in one eye. Ocular migraines are caused by reduced blood flow or spasms of blood vessels in the. Blurred vision and Shaking WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms blurred vision and shaking including Parkinson disease.


Blurred peripheral vision can be caused by strokes, eye injuries, toxins, and malignant conditions. It is important to receive treatment for vision changes as they are sometimes symptoms of serious medical conditions. An ophthalmologist can examine a patient with a peripheral vision problem, including blurring, floaters, or total peripheral vision loss, to find out more about what is happening to the patient's eyes. Treatments are available, depending on the cause.

Problems with the eye are a common cause of blurred peripheral vision. This can include diseases of the retina, damage to the optic nerve, and glaucoma. These problems may be apparent on a physical examination, especially as the patient completes a series of eye exercises at the direction of the doctor. Patients should make sure to report associated symptoms like pain, as they can be helpful diagnostic clues for the doctor.

Occasional blurred vision in child

Occasional Blurred Vision In One Eye

OccasionalOccasional blurred vision in left eye

The brain can be another culprit. If there is a problem with the processing or transmission of visual information, a person can have blurry peripheral vision. Intoxication caused by drugs or alcohol, along with exposure to toxins like snake venom, can also impair peripheral vision. Tumors, aneurysms, and trauma to the brain may also be involved. With strokes, sometimes changes to the peripheral vision are the first noticeable sign for the patient, especially if the vision problem is isolated to one eye only.

Loss of peripheral vision is known as tunnel vision. It can be a serious visual impairment, as people are less able to navigate the surrounding environment when they cannot see well. Absent or blurry peripheral vision can be particularly dangerous while engaging in activities like driving or operating heavy machinery, where a broad visual field helps people identify threats and avoid injuries and damage. Ignoring a vision problem can make it harder to treat, as the options for management will decrease as it progresses.

Jumpy Vision Without Eye Movement

If a sudden onset of blurred peripheral vision occurs, patients should seek immediate medical treatment. This can be a sign of injury to the brain, and prompt treatment may stop the injury before it progresses any further. Patients should report any recent history of head injuries, as well as dizziness, confusion, and other symptoms associated with neurological problems. This information can help a doctor narrow down an issue more quickly so treatment can begin as early as possible. With strokes and swelling in the brain, minutes can make a big difference in treatment.