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Below is a listing of notable funding opportunities available to postdoctoral scholars. If you are aware of an internal or external opportunity for postdocs but do not see it posted here, please email

  2. Postdocs
External Opportunities

Deadline Month

Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers Must have completed doctoral degree within the past 4 years; scientists and scholars of all nationalities and disciplines may apply Rolling

A Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows long-term research (6-24 months) in Germany. Applicants choose their own topic of research and their academic host. In recent years, between 25% and 30% of all applications have been successful.

American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Visiting Scholars U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required; must have received doctoral degree no more than 4 years before the application deadline date October The Academy’s Visiting Scholars Program provides residential fellowships to postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences. Housed at the headquarters of the Academy in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Visiting Scholars participate in Academy-sponsored conferences, seminars, and informal gatherings while advancing their scholarly research. The annual stipend is $60,000, plus health insurance.
American Association of University Women (AAUW): Fellowships U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required for the American Postdoctoral Fellowship


The American Postdoctoral Fellowship ($6,000–$30,000) supports women scholars who are completing dissertations, planning research leave from accredited institutions, or preparing research for publication. International Fellowships (citizenship unrestricted; $18,000–$30,000) are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women in graduate and postgraduate studies.
American Cancer Society: Postdoctoral Fellowships U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required; researchers must be within 3 years of receiving a doctoral degree

April &

This award is to support the training of researchers who have received a doctoral degree to provide initial funding leading to an independent career in cancer research (including basic, preclinical, clinical, cancer control, psychosocial, behavioral, epidemiology, health services and health policy research). Awards may be for 3 years with increased progressive stipends of $52,000, $54,000, and $56,000 per year, with additional fellowship allowance and parental leave benefits.
Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required; must have no more than 18 months of cumulative postdoctoral research experience, or no more than 3 years from PhD; must pursue postdoctoral training in an area of chemical sciences that would likely not be eligible for funding by traditional chemical biology, biochemical or biological science mechanisms September This invited program supports postdoctoral scholars who have the highest potential for success in an independent academic career in chemistry and the life sciences, and to assist in their transition from 'mentored yet independent' postdoctoral projects to an independent, tenure-track position. The award amount is $180,000 over 2 years for salary, fringe benefits and research expenditures; instrumentation fellowships will receive an additional one-time amount of up to $100,000. Fellows receiving year 3 renewal award will receive additional $90,000.
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships For the 2020-21 program, PhD must have been earned between September 15, 2017 and September 30, 2021 and before the start date of the award; Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign citizens are eligible to apply September The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to Canada's economic, social and research based growth. The program funds the following areas of research: health, natural sciences and/or engineering, and social sciences and/or humanities. The Fellowship provides $70,000 per year (taxable) for 2 years.
Beckman Institute: Postdoctoral Fellows Program

Ph.D. must have been completed within the last 10 years


Three postdoctoral fellow programs that support outstanding scientists offer a unique opportunity for selected scholars to engage in a three-year fellowship of interdisciplinary research at the Beckman Institute. The fellowship appointment provides an annual stipend of $54,000, plus benefits and a research budget.

Brain & Behavior Research Foundation: NARSAD Young Investigator Grants

This grant is intended to support advanced post-doctoral fellows, instructors and assistant professors (or equivalent). Pre-doctoral students, first year post-doctoral fellows, faculty who serve(d) as a P.I. on a NIH R01 grant are not eligible.


These grants are intended to facilitate innovative research opportunities and supports basic, as well as translational and/or clinical investigators. All research must be relevant to understanding, treatment and prevention of serious psychiatric
disorders such as: schizophrenia; bipolar; mood and anxiety disorders; or early onset brain and behavior disorders. The BBRF Young Investigator program offers up to $35,000 a year for up to 2 years to enable promising investigators to either extend their research fellowship training or to begin careers as independent research faculty.

BrightFocus Foundation: Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards Unrestricted October Postdoctoral fellowship awards are intended for young researchers in their final stages of mentored training. These awards fund projects in an established laboratory that will serve as the basis for the applicant's own independent research career.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund: Career Awards for Medical Scientists Limited to citizens or permanent or temporary residents of Canada and the U.S; candidates must be no more than 13 years past their clinical doctorate degree. Candidates who hold a junior faculty appointment may be eligible if they have been in non-tenure track faculty positions for two years or less at the time of application October This award supports physician-scientists, who are committed to an academic career, to bridge advanced postdoctoral/fellowship training and the early years of faculty service. Proposals must be in the area of basic biomedical, disease-oriented, or translational research. Proposals in health services research or involving large-scale clinical trials are not eligible.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund: Career Awards at the Scientific Interface Limited to citizens or permanent or temporary residents of Canada and the U.S.; must have completed at least 12 months but no more than 60 months of postdoctoral research experience (in a research laboratory) at the time of application September (pre-proposal); January (full proposal) These grants are intended to foster the early career development of researchers who have transitioned or are transitioning from undergraduate and/or graduate work in the physical/ mathematical/ computational sciences or engineering into postdoctoral work in the biological sciences, and who are dedicated to pursuing a career in academic research.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund: Postdoctoral Enrichment Program Limited to citizens of Canada and the U.S.; candidate must have no more than 36 months of postdoctoral research experience (in a research laboratory) at the time of application and must not be more than 5 years from his/her Ph.D. January The Postdoctoral Enrichment Program (PDEP) provides a total of $60,000 over three years to support the career development activities for underrepresented minority postdoctoral fellows in a degree-granting institution (an institution includes its affiliated graduate and medical schools, hospitals and research institutions) in the United States or Canada whose training and professional development are guided by mentors committed to helping them advance to stellar careers in biomedical or medical research.
Company of Biologists: Traveling Fellowships Applications will be considered from early career scientists, which includes graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. Only one person per laboratory may apply for funding, per funding round, per journal. March, May, August, & October The Company of Biologists' journals – Development, Journal of Cell Science, The Journal of Experimental Biology, and Disease Models & Mechanisms – offer fellowships of up to £2,500 or currency equivalent to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers wishing to make collaborative visits to other laboratories. These are designed to offset the cost of travel and other expenses.
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Fellowship Award Foreign nationals may apply to conduct their research only in the U.S. Basic and physician-scientists must have received their degrees no more than 18 months prior to the application deadline. Applicants must not have been in their Sponsors' labs for more than one year prior to the application deadline. March &
The Foundation encourages all theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search for cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies and prevention. Awards are made to institutions for the support of the Fellow under direct supervision of the Sponsor. Candidates who have already accepted a postdoctoral research fellowship award are not eligible.
Department of Defense: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Innovation Office (I2O) Postdoctoral Fellowship This Program is open to current U.S. citizens or permanent residents who have received a Ph.D. degree no earlier than June 2019 or who will have received a Ph.D. prior to the date of award, and who will be appointed to a postdoctoral position during the 2021-22 academic year. December (Stage 1); March (Stage 2 - if invited) DARPA is broadening the scope of its commitment to talented young scientists, engineers, and mathematicians through this fellowship program focused specifically on postdoctoral researchers in the field of computer science. DARPA invites submissions of innovative basic or applied research concepts in areas of interest to I2O as listed in the Research Announcement.
Department of Energy: Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE): Intelligence Community (IC) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program U.S. citizenship required; Ph.D. received within five years of the application deadline February

Offers scientists and engineers from a wide variety of disciplines unique opportunities to conduct research in a wide range of topics relevant to the Intelligence Community. The research is conducted by the postdocs, while working in partnership with a research advisor and collaborating with an advisor from the Intelligence Community. This is a unique opportunity which allows the postdoc to continue their research at any university or government lab of their choice.

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships Applicants must hold a doctorate degree or equivalent at the start of the fellowship. Applicants who already hold a PhD degree at the time of application are eligible to apply only if they obtained their PhD degree during the two years prior to the application date. February &
EMBO Long-Term Fellowships are awarded for a period of up to two years and support post-doctoral research visits to laboratories throughout Europe and the world. International exchange is a key feature in the application process. Applications to go to the country in which the PhD was obtained will not be considered.
Fulbright Postdoctoral/Early Career Grants U.S. citizenship required Various, announced February Postdoctoral/early career grants are open to U.S. scholars who have recently completed their doctoral degrees – typically within the five previous years. Postdoctoral awards are available in STEM fields, the arts, humanities and social sciences. These grants present an excellent opportunity for recently minted scholars to deepen their expertise, to acquire new skills, to work with additional resources and to make connections with others in their fields.
Graduate Women in Science: National Fellowship Program Unrestricted January This program offers fellowships to help increase knowledge in the fundamental sciences and to encourage research careers in the sciences by women.
Health Resources in Action: Charles A. King Trust Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program – Basic Science By the funding start date, applicants must hold a PhD, MD, DMD, MD/PhD, or comparable degree and work in an academic or medical research institution in Massachusetts, and have completed at least three years and no more than five years of full-time postdoctoral research. March The Charles A. King Trust was created to “support and promote the investigation of human disease and the alleviation of human suffering through improved treatment.” In keeping with these principles, the King Trust today supports postdoctoral fellows in the basic sciences and clinical and health services research.
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Foreign citizens are eligible if they intend to work in a laboratory within the U.S; candidates must have no more than one year of postdoctoral research experience by the application deadline, and must have completed their PhD no more than two years before the deadline or MD no more than three years before the deadline. July The Foundation supports early postdoctoral research training in all basic biomedical sciences. The Whitney Fellowship is for a period of three years. Attendance at the two-day Annual Meeting of Fellows, held in November of each year, is expected as a condition of acceptance of the fellowship.
HHMI: Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program Applicants must have been accepted to join a lab in the U.S., and have no more than 16 months of postdoctoral research experience at the time of the application due date. Non-U.S. citizens and applicants with other nationalities must have a degree from a research institution in the U.S. January Seeks to increase diversity in the biomedical research community by recruitment and retention of individuals from groups underrepresented in the life sciences. The competition is open to those dedicated to basic research from both doctoral and/or medical training paths in the biomedical and life science disciplines, including plant biology, evolutionary biology, biophysics, chemical biology, biomedical engineering, and computational biology.Fellows will receive funding for their postdoctoral training and, if eligible, in their early career years as independent faculty. The program includes opportunities for career development, including mentoring and active involvement in the HHMI scientific community.
Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie: Individual Fellowships Unrestricted September Support is foreseen for individual, trans-national fellowships awarded to the best or most promising researchers of any nationality, for employment in EU Member States or Horizon 2020 Associated Countries. It is based on an application made jointly by the researcher and the beneficiary in the academic or non-academic sectors.
Human Frontier Science Program: Postdoctoral Fellowships A research doctorate (PhD) or a doctoral-level degree comparable to a PhD with equivalent experience in basic research must have been conferred in the 3 years prior to the submission deadline. August Long-Term Fellowships (LTF) are for applicants with a Ph.D. in a biological discipline, who will broaden their expertise by proposing a project in the life sciences which is significantly different from their previous Ph.D. or postdoctoral work.
Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships (CDF) are for applicants with a Ph.D. from outside the life sciences (e.g. in physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering or computer sciences), who have had limited exposure to biology during their previous training.
U.S. citizenship required March The IC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program produces state-of-the-art research in disciplines relevant to the Intelligence Community while mentoring a new generation of American scientists. Postdocs who have completed their Ph.D. within the last 5 years are invited to identify a Research Advisor and collaborate in order to submit a research proposal that responds to the published research topics.
Unrestricted June This Postdoctoral Fellowship supports PhD students within 18 months of anticipated completion of graduate training. It provides $200,000 expended in no less than 2 and no more than 3 years. Proposals furthering the science of complex systems and/or proposals intending to apply complex system tools and models to problems where such approaches are not yet considered usual or mainstream are appropriate.
Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research Applicants may be citizens of any country. Foreign nationals awards will be made only for study in the United States. American citizens may hold a fellowship either in the United States or in a foreign country. February The JCC Fund works for the furtherance of research into the causes, origin, and treatment of cancer. Applicants must hold either the MD degree or the PhD degree in the field in which they propose to study or furnish evidence of equivalent training and experience. Postdoctoral applicants should not have more than one year of postdoctoral experience and the degree must not have been conferred more than 18 months prior to the deadline date. MDs should not have received their degree more than three years from the date the application is due.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Candidate must be a citizen of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan.
September & April (Standard); October, January, April, & June (Short Term) To promote international scientific cooperation, the JSPS encourages highly qualified researchers from around the world to come to and conduct joint research activities with colleagues at Japanese universities and research institutes. JSPS offers five postdoctoral fellowship programs, each with different eligibility requirements.
Life Sciences Research Foundation: Postdoctoral Fellowships Non-U.S. citizens must work in a U.S. laboratory. Individuals who have held a PhD or MD degree for more than 5 years at the time of application are not eligible. October The Foundation supports fellows in the life sciences, focusing on training the next generation of exceptional biologists. The award amount is $62,000/year for three years.
L'Oréal USA for Women in Science Fellowship U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required January The L’Oréal USA For Women in Science fellowship program awards five women postdoctoral scientists annually with grants of $60,000 each for their contributions in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields and commitment to serving as role models for younger generations.
National Institutes of Health: Pathway to Independence Award (Parent K99/R00)

Individuals are not eligible if they have more than 4 years of related postdoctoral research at the time of initial or resubmission application. There is no citizenship requirement for K99 applicants.

February, June, & October This program is designed to facilitate a timely transition of outstanding postdoctoral researchers from mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions, and to provide independent NIH research support during the transition that will help these individuals launch competitive, independent research careers.
National Institutes of Health Notice of Special Interest: Administrative Supplements to Promote Research Continuity and Retention of NIH Mentored Career Development (K) Award Recipients and Scholars Applicant must hold an active grant, and the research proposed in the supplement must be accomplished within the competitive segment of the active award. Recipients of the following activity codes are eligible for the award: K01, K07, K08, K22, K23, K25, K38, K43, K76, and K99/R00 (on the mentored K99 portion of the K99/R00). Varies by awarding institute or center This supplement program is intended to ensure continuity of research among recipients of mentored career development (K) awards by providing supplemental research support to help sustain the investigator’s research during critical life events. Childbirth, adoption, and primary caregiving responsibilities of an ailing spouse, child, partner, or a member of the immediate family during the project period are critical life events that would qualify for consideration. The administrative supplement budget is limited to 1 year. The application budget cannot exceed a maximum direct cost of $50,000, applicable indirect cost can also be requested.
National Institutes of Health: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32) U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required April, August, & December The purpose of this award is to support promising applicants during their mentored postdoctoral training under the guidance of outstanding faculty sponsors. The integrated program of research and training should enhance the individual’s potential to develop into a productive, independent researcher.
National Science Foundation: Postdoctoral Fellowships

Citizenship requirements vary

Varies by program

Programs provide either direct (i.e., from NSF) or indirect (i.e., from an awardee institution) funding for students at the postdoctoral level or identify programs that focus on educational developments such as curricula development, training or retention.

National Science Foundation: Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required November The Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) awards Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology to recent recipients of the doctoral degree for research and training in selected areas supported by BIO and with special goals for human resource development in biology.
National Science Foundation: SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required November The Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) offers Postdoctoral Research Fellowships to encourage independence early in the Fellow's career through supporting his or her research and training goals.
Schlumberger Foundation: Faculty for the Future Candidate must be a citizen of a developing country or emerging economy. Dual citizenship holders of a developed country are not eligible. November This program supports outstanding women from developing countries in their pursuit of advanced graduate studies in engineering, science, and technology at leading universities worldwide.
Unrestricted August (nominations); November (full proposal) The program aims to expand the horizons of the next generation of leaders and innovators in the natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, and computing. Applicants must be nominated by a designated senior executive at a leading academic institution where the individual has pursued a PhD in an applicable field of natural science.
Unrestricted Varies by program The Simons Foundation supports scholars working to advance research in basic science and mathematics. Please visit the Foundation’s website for information on the latest Fellowship competitions and focus areas.
Simons Foundation: Postdoctoral Fellowships in Marine Microbial Ecology Applicants should have received their Ph.D. or equivalent degree within three years of the fellowship’s start date. Applicants may be citizens of any country. June The Simons Foundation supports postdoctoral research on fundamental problems in marine microbial ecology. The foundation is particularly interested in cross-disciplinary applicants with who want to apply their experience to understanding the role of microorganisms in shaping ocean processes, and vice versa, as well as applicants with experience in modeling or theory development. Applicants already involved in ocean research are also encouraged to apply.
Susan G. Komen Postdoctoral Fellowships Unrestricted July (LOI); November (full proposal) PDF Grants seek to attract and support promising scientists embarking on careers dedicated to breast cancer research and who have no more than 3 years post-completion of their most recent clinical fellowship, 5 years post-completion of their most recent residency (for physicians), or 5 years post-completion of their most recent Ph.D.
Travel Awards for FASEB Summer Research Conferences U.S. citizenship or permanent residency required At least 3 weeks prior to the selected conference Supports the participation of eligible applicants at selected scientific meetings and conferences. There are approximately forty FASEB conferences which meet for five days during the summer period (June-August) on topics in biomedical research. Applicants must be full-time underrepresented academic non-tenured junior faculty/research scientists, postdoctoral fellows or advanced graduate students who reside within the U.S. or U.S. territories.
UNESCO Fellowships Programmes Varies by program Varies by program Fellowships are specially tailored training which are designed to give qualified persons practicing or intending to practice a profession in the field of the UNESCO programme priorities an opportunity to receive additional and practical training, thus contributing to the advancement and circulation of knowledge and skill promoting development and international understanding.
Wenner-Gren Foundation: Post-Ph.D. Research Grants Unrestricted May, & November Grants support research that demonstrates a clear link to anthropological theory and debates, and promises to make a solid contribution to advancing these ideas. There is no preference for any methodology, research location, or subfield.
U.S. or Canadian citizenship, or visa to study and work in the U.S. required March Supports high-achieving scholars from premier universities in the U.S. to do postdoctoral research at one of seven Israeli universities. Scholarships are for up to two years.

Below is a listing of notable funding opportunities available to postdoctoral scholars. If you are aware of an internal or external opportunity for postdocs but do not see it posted here, please email Todd Crowl is the Director of the FIU Institute of Environment, one of the University's preeminent programs. He joined FIU in 2014 and has been leading the institute through. The mission of the Office of Postdoctoral Scholar Services is to support, enhance, and promote postdoctoral training at FIU. As a university with the highest level Carnegie Classification (R1: Doctoral Institutions – Highest Research Activity), FIU is deeply committed to ensuring that postdoctoral fellows obtain the advanced education, training, and career preparation needed to excel in. Post-Doctoral Fellowship. CAPS offers a full-time Post-Doctoral Psychology Fellowship Training Program oriented towards providing a generalist professional training experience within the context of a university counseling center.
Harvard Internal Opportunities
OpportunityDeadline MonthDescription
Arnold Arboretum: Research Fellowships and Awards February, March The Arboretum offers fellowships and awards to students, post-doctoral researchers, and professionals of the biological and horticultural sciences.
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs: Fellowships January The Center's programs and projects offer a variety of both pre-doctoral and post-doctoral research fellowships in diverse research areas.
Center for AIDS Research: Developmental Core Awards November

The Developmental Award provides salary and research support for promising early-career investigators who are transitioning to independent funding. Applicants may be at the post-doctoral fellow, research fellow, instructor, research associate, research scientist, or assistant professor level at any Harvard University School or one of its affiliated institutions. Applications will be considered from candidates beginning at the time of their transition from a training grant or similar support to mentored independent research (K level) funding to the point at which they have received NIH R01 or similar level funding.

Center for Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships Varies by program The Center for Astrophysics combines the resources and research facilities of the Harvard College Observatory and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under a single director to pursue studies of those basic physical processes that determine the nature and evolution of the universe.
Center for Hellenic Studies: Opportunities for Postdoctoral Researchers October The CHS supports postdoctoral scholars working on the ancient Greek world through the following programs: CHS Fellowships in Hellenic Studies; CHS/DAI Joint Fellowships; and Grants for Visiting Scholars.
Charles Warren Center Postdoctoral Fellowship in Global American Studies November The Center awards two fellowships to scholars with research interests in Global American Studies: the history of the United States in the world, and the world in the United States. Applications are welcomed from scholars with a variety of disciplinary backgrounds who bring a historical perspective to topics such as empire, migration, race, indigeneity, and ethnicity, and whose work investigates and/or interprets the history and experience in the United States of native peoples, or peoples of African, Asian, or Hispanic descent.
Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies January The Center awards postdoctoral fellowships for scholars who receive their PhD no later than September of the application year and no earlier than 5 years prior to the application deadline.
Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies: An Wang Postdoctoral Fellowship January An Wang Postdoctoral Fellowships support scholars engaging in research relevant to the Center's mission: to advance scholarship in all fields of Chinese studies at Harvard. Applications are invited from scholars in any academic discipline, working on contemporary China or any period of Chinese history, who are no more than five years beyond the receipt of their Ph.D.
Film Study Center Fellowships February The Film Study Center (FSC) offers fellowships to both internationally eminent and emerging filmmakers, video artists, sound artists, and photographers whose creative projects seek to interpret the world, especially the fabric of human existence and cultural difference, through moving and still images and sounds.
Foundations of Human Behavior February, May, August, November

The Foundations of Human Behavior Initiative (FHB) aims to drive transformative insights about the psychological, social, economic, political, and biological mechanisms that influence human behavior – and then translate that knowledge into cost-effective, scalable interventions that improve human well-being around the world. Applications from post-docs must be sponsored by a member of the Harvard ladder faculty and accompanied by a detailed letter from the faculty member evaluating the project and explaining the scientific merits of the project.

Harvard Chan Yerby Fellowship Program October Under the guidance of a senior Harvard Chan School faculty member with compatible interests, Yerby Fellows develop research agendas, receive grant support, and actively pursue publication in peer-reviewed journals. The program creates a bridge between academic training in public health-related fields and entry-level faculty positions at institutions throughout the U.S. Applicants must have earned a doctorate in a public health-related discipline.
Harvard Data Science Postdoctoral Fellows December Supports researchers whose interests are in data science, broadly construed, including researchers with both a methodological and applications focus. The normal duration of the Fellowship is two years. Fellows will receive a generous salary as well as an annual allocation for research and travel expenses.
Harvard Medical School Office for Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership: Dean's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Rolling The Dean’s Postdoctoral Fellowship (DPF) is a two-year research fellowship that provides funding in the amount of $50,000/year. Fellows receive additional opportunities for career enhancement, mentorship, seminars, workshops, and conferences, along with a robust support network, through the Scholars in Translational and Academic Research (STARs) program. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident from a group that is historically underrepresented in the basic and social sciences, and have no more than two years of postdoctoral experience.
Inequality in America Initiative Postdoctoral Fellowship December The Inequality in America Initiative seeks applications from recent doctoral degree recipients interested in working to address the multiple challenges of inequality. This program intends to seed new research directions; facilitate collaboration and mentorship across disciplines; develop new leaders in the study of inequality who can publish at the highest level, reach the widest audience, and impact policy; and deepen teaching expertise on the subject of inequality.
Mahindra Humanities Center Postdoctoral Fellowships November The Center welcomes applications from recent Ph.D. recipients from all fields within the humanities and the allied social sciences, typically centered around an annual theme.

Fellowships enable outstanding young scientists to carry out research projects under the joint supervision of PIs from MPQ and Harvard. Fellows will be offered the opportunity to travel between both institutions on a regular basis, while profiting from the excellent colloquia series and scientific retreats taking place in the framework of the cooperation. To be eligible, applicants must have completed their PhD before starting the fellowship.

Mind Brain Behavior Postdoctoral Fellow Award February This two-year award is intended to fund a postdoctoral fellow (in accordance with NIH stipend guidelines) who wants to examine MBB-related issues through interdisciplinary research and experiences. Applicant must have a Ph.D., M.D. or M.D./Ph.D. in an MBB-related field and no more than 1 year of postdoctoral experience. Research project must bridge at least two classical fields of study.
Museum of Comparative Zoology: Putnam Expedition Grants March, October The Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) at Harvard University periodically awards travel grants that support collection of specimens and data relating to the study of comparative zoology, which are known as Putnam Expedition Grants.
OTD Business Development Fellowship January This yearlong program provides current Harvard graduate students and postdoctoral researchers an opportunity to participate in the crucial early stages of technology development by analyzing technologies’ commercialization potential and crafting marketing strategies.
May These awards of up to $750 are designed to support the professional development needs of postdocs by providing reimbursement for activities that directly enhance the individual’s professional growth, and which their PIs or faculty advisors may be unable to fund. Such activities include, but are not limited to, conference travel, workshop attendance, and course enrollment. The awards are open to full-time postdocs in all disciplines from any Cambridge-based school of Harvard University.
Raoul Berger-Mark DeWolfe Howe Legal History Fellowship February The purpose of the fellowship is to enable the fellow to complete a major piece of writing in the field of legal history, broadly defined. Eligible applicants include those who have a first law degree, who have completed the required coursework for a doctorate, or who have recently been awarded a doctoral degree. A J.D. is preferred, but not required. Applicants who are beginning a teaching career in either law or history will also be considered.
Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies January To fulfill its aim of promoting research on Japan, the Reischauer Institute provides fellowships and grants for undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. Postdoctoral fellowships provide scholars with exceptional promise and opportunity to transform dissertations into publishable manuscripts.
Ukrainian Research Institute January The HURI brings scholars from the international academic community to Harvard for focused research on projects in Ukrainian history, literature, philology, culture, and other related areas of study in the humanities and social sciences fields.
W.E.B. Du Bois Research Institute at the Hutchins Center January The Institute annually appoints scholars who conduct individual research for a period of one to two semesters in a wide variety of fields related to African and African American Studies. Fellows work in a range of fields and interests, including art and art history, Afro-Latin American research, design and the history of design, education, hiphop, African studies, the African diaspora, African American studies, literature, and creative writing.
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Varies by program The Center welcomes applications from graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in various disciplines whose research involves important international, transnational, global, and comparative national issues that may address contemporary or historical topics, including rigorous policy analysis, as well as the study of specific countries and regions outside the United States.
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs: Program on U.S.-Japan Relations January The Program offers postdoctoral fellowships for social scientists in a broad range of fields, including anthropology, economics, education, history, law, political science, public health, public policy, and sociology. Projects that focus on Japan or Japan's international role from a comparative, historical, or global perspective are welcome. A knowledge of the Japanese language is not required.
Institution: Florida International University
Miami, Florida
Deadline: Open until filled
Salary: Commensurate with experience
Description: The STEM Transformation Institute and the Physics Education Research Group at Florida International University seeks two postdoctoral researchers in physics education, engineering education, science education, or a closely related field. The first position starts in January 2014 and is particularly allotted for work on an ongoing NSF funded research project involving analysis of case studies of high school physics classes, implementing experimental studies within similar classes, and designing a professional development course for high school physics teachers. The responsibilities of the successful applicant will include coordination and participation in all aspects of the research including presenting/publishing findings. A second postdoctoral research position beginning in August 2014 is for integrating network analysis techniques with qualitative and behavioral analyses in the study of physics student retention and persistence. More information about the STEM Transformation Institute can be found at and for the Physics Education Group at

Eligibility: We will consider PhD graduates with expertise in education research (and strong content background in science/physics/engineering) or traditional areas of STEM research (particularly network science) who have experience in conducting education research.


Application: Please electronically submit a letter of interest, CV, brief statement of research interests, 1-2 publication reprints, and names of 3 references to
Florida International University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.