Quotes Upanishads

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Veda Upanishads Quotes, Quotations, Phrases, Verses and Sayings. Meant To Be Quotes Words Upanishads Quotes Quotes To Live By Bhagavad Gita Quotations Hindu Quotes Spiritual Quotes. That immortal Brahman alone is before, that Brahman is behind, that Brahman is to the right.

April 2008

1. Most humbly we bow to You, O Supreme Lord.
At Your command moves the mighty wheel of time.
You are eternal, and beyond eternity.
(Artharva Veda)

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2. The one who loves all intensely
begins perceiving in all living beings
a part of himself.
He becomes a lover of all,
a part and parcel of the Universal Joy.
He flows with the stream of happiness,
and is enriched by each soul.
(Yajur Veda)

3. The human body is the temple of God.
One who kindles the light of awareness within
gets true light.
The sacred flame of your inner shrine
is constantly bright.
The experience of unity
is the fulfillment of human endeavors.
The mysteries of life are revealed.
(Rig Veda)

4. Sing the song of celestial love, O singer!
May the divine fountain of eternal grace and joy
enter your soul.
May Brahma, (the Divine One),
Pluck the strings of your inner soul
with His celestial fingers,
And feel His own presence within.
Bless us with a divine voice
That we may tune the harp-strings of our life
To sing songs of Love to you.
(Rig Veda)

5. Of everything he is the inmost Self.
He is the truth; he is the Self supreme.
(Chandogya Upanishad)

6. Meditating on the lotus of your heart,
in the center is the untainted;
the exquisitely pure, clear, and sorrowless;
the inconceivable;
the unmanifest,
of infinite form;
blissful, tranquil, immortal;
the womb of Brahma.

7. Those in whose hearts OM reverberates
Unceasingly are indeed blessed
And deeply loved as one who is the Self.
The all-knowing Self was never born,
Nor will it die. Beyond cause and effect,
This Self is eternal and immutable.
When the body dies, the Self does not die.
(Katha Upanishad)

8. The whole mantram AUM
Indivisible, interdependent,
Goes on reverberating in the mind.
Established in this cosmic vibration,
The sage goes beyond fear, decay, and death
To enter into infinite peace.
(Prashna Upanishad)

9. O Almighty!
You are the infinite; the universe is also infinite!
From infinite the infinite has come out!
Having taken infinite out of the infinite, the infinite remains!
O Almighty! May there be Peace! Peace! Everywhere!
(Ishawashya Upanishad)

10. O seeker, know the true nature of your soul,
and identify yourself with it completely.
O Lord, (may we attain) the everlasting consciousness
of Supreme Light and Joy.
May we resolve to dedicate our life
to the service of humankind,
and uplift them to Divinity.
(Yajur Veda)

11. O Brahma, lead us from the unreal to the real.
O Brahma, lead us from darkness to light.
O Brahma, lead us from death to immortality.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.
(Brhadaranyaka Upanishad)

Upanishads Quotes In Sanskrit With Meaning

12. Look to this day,
for it is life, the very breath of life.
In its brief course lie
all the realities of your existence;
the bliss of growth,
the glory of action,
the splendor of beauty.
For yesterday is only a dream,
and tomorrow is but a vision.
But today, well lived,
makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,
and every tomorrow
a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.
(Ancient Sanskrit)

13. The highest Self, all endless bliss,
the unconditioned limitless consciousness,
being realized, whether through the great texts,
or through Yoga, in all experience whatever—
let one lose himself in the ecstasy of Realization,
for he has forever lost all touch
with bondage of every description.

Upanishads quotes watch your thoughts

Quotes Upanishads

14. A particle of Its bliss
supplies the bliss of the whole universe.
Everything becomes enlightened in Its light.
All else appears worthless after a sight of that essence.
I am indeed of this Supreme Eternal Self.

15. The knower catches in the ecstasy of his heart
the full light of that Brahman (that Divine Essence)
which is indescribable—all pure bliss, incomparable,
transcending time, ever free, beyond desire.

Upanishads Quotes On Life

16. Bright but hidden, the Self dwells in the heart.
Everything that moves, breathes, opens, and closes
Lives in the Self. He is the source of love
And may be known through love but not through thought
He is the goal of life. Attain this goal!
(Mundaka Upanishad)

17. All is change in the world of the senses,
But changeless is the supreme Lord of Love.
Meditate on him, be absorbed by him,
Wake up from this dream of separateness.
(Shvetashvatara Upanishad)

18. O mysterious and incomprehensible Spirit!
In the depths of my heart, there is only You—You, for all time.
(source unknown)

(Compiled by Rev. Jan Thomas)


Quotes From Upanishads

Kerry Brown, ed. The Essential Teachings of Hinduism: Daily Readings from the
Sacred Texts. London, Arrow Books Ltd., 1990 (originally published by Rider,

Yogi Ramacharaka, The Spirit of the Upanishads. Chicago, The Yogi Publication
Society, 1907.

Pandit Satyakam Vidyalankar, The Holy Vedas: A Golden Treasury. Delhi, India,
Clarion Books, 1983.

upanishads contains some of the most profound wisdom of hindus. they carry the mystical teachings of knowing your true nature. if you are on the path of self-realization then you must go through these scriptures.

Upanishads Quotes About Love

in old times disciples used to sit near the enlightened master and imbibe the spirit and wisdom of the guru. the master was only interested in the inner growth of the disciples and the disciples were only interested in knowing the supreme truth. there was total trust and openness between the master-disciple. in that loving atmosphere, the upanishads were born and passed from generation to generation as an oral teachings.

Quotes from the upanishads

no one knows who has written them. as in old times, many authors didn’t choose to write their name on books. as truth is nobody monopoly and everyone will attain to it one day.


31 wisdom quotes from upanishads:

Upanishads Quotes In Tamil

  1. that immortal brahman alone is before, that brahman is behind, that brahman is to the right and left. brahman alone pervades everything above and below; this universe is that supreme brahman alone. – mundaka upanishad
  2. this syllable Om is indeed brahman. this syllable is the highest. whosoever knows this syllable obtains all that he desires. – katha upanishad
  3. Om is the bow; the atman is the arrow; brahman is said to be the mark. it is to be struck by an undistracted mind. then the atman becomes one with brahman, as the arrow with the target. – mundaka upanishad
  4. the knowing self is not born; it does not die. it has not sprung from anything; nothing has sprung from it. birthless, eternal, everlasting and ancient, it is not killed when the body is killed. – katha upanishad
  5. the wise man beholds all beings in the self and the self in all
    beings; for that reason he does not hate anyone. – isa upanishad
  6. it is indeed the mind that is the cause of men’s bondage and liberation. the mind that is attached to sense-objects leads to bondage, while dissociated from sense-objects it tends to lead to liberation. – amrita-bindu upanishad
  7. the self that is subtler than the subtle and greater than the great is seated in the heart of every creature. one who is free from desire sees the glory of the self through the tranquillity of the mind and senses and becomes absolved from grief. – katha upanishad
  8. this atman, resplendent and pure, whom the sinless sannyasins behold residing within the body, is attained by unceasing practice of truthfulness, austerity, right knowledge and continence. – mundaka upanishad
  9. to the seer, all things have verily become the self: what delusion, what sorrow, can there be for him who beholds that oneness? – isa upanishad
  10. dissolve the self in the supreme self as the pot-space is dissolved in infinite space; then, as the infinite be silent for ever, o sage! – adhyatma upanishad
  11. knowing that great and all-pervading self by which one sees (the objects) both in the sleep and the waking states, the intelligent man grieves no more. – katha upanishad
  12. fools, dwelling in darkness, but wise in their own conceit and puffed up with vain scholarship, wander about, being afflicted by many ills, like blind men led by the blind. – mundaka upanishad
  13. liberated from the grip of egoism, like the moon (after the eclipse), full, ever blissful, self-luminous, one attains one’s essence. – adhyatma upanishad
  14. he who perceives all beings in the self alone, and the self in all beings, does not entertain any hatred on account of that perception. – isavasya upanishad
  15. that which is consciousness alone which is all-pervading, which is eternal, which is all-full, which is of the form of bliss and which is indestructible, is the only true brahman (infinite consciousness). – varaha upanishad
  16. whether the body perishes now or lasts the age of moon and stars, what matters it to me having consciousness alone as my body ? what matters it to the sky in the pot, whether it (the pot) is destroyed now or exists for a long time. – varaha upanishad
  17. bondage is the imagination prompted by the desire for the eight powers. – niralamba upanishad
  18. man is bound by ‘mine’, but he is released by ‘not mine’. he should abandon all the thoughts relating to externals and so also with references to internals. o ribhu, having given up all thoughts, you should rest content (in your soul) ever.” – varaha upanishad
  19. like the butter hidden in milk, the pure consciousness resides in every being. that ought to be constantly churned out by the churning rod of the mind. – amrita-bindu upanishad
  20. being first in a state of changelessness and then thoroughly forgetting (even) that state owing to the cognition of the (true) nature of brahman (infinite consciousness) – this is called samadhi. – tejo-bindu upanishad
  21. in order to realize the self, renounce everything. having cast off all (objects), assimilate yourself to that which remains. – annapurna upanishad
  22. when all longings that are in the heart vanish, then a mortal becomes immortal and attains brahman (infinite consciousness) here. – katha upanishad
  23. those who are clever in arguments about brahman, but are without the action pertaining to brahman (infinite consciousness) and who are greatly attached to the world – those certainly are born again and again (in this world) through their ajnana (ignorance). – tejo-bindu upanishad
  24. as rivers, flowing down, become indistinguishable on reaching the sea by giving up their names and forms, so also the illumined soul, having become freed from name and form, reaches the self-effulgent supreme self – mundaka upanishad.
  25. arise! awake! approach the great and learn. like the sharp edge of a razor is that path, so the wise say—hard to tread and difficult to cross. – katha upanishad
  26. that which cannot be expressed by speech, but by which speech is expressed. that alone know as brahman and not that which people here worship. – kena upanishad
  27. that which cannot be apprehended by the mind, but by which, they say, the mind is apprehended. that alone know as brahman and not that which people here worship – kena upanishad
  28. that which cannot be perceived by the eye, but by which the eye is perceived. that alone know as brahman and not that which people here worship – kena upanishad
  29. that which cannot he heard by the ear, but by which the hearing is perceived. that alone know as brahman and not that which people here worship. – kena upanishad
  30. children, immersed in ignorance in various ways, flatter themselves, saying: we have accomplished life’s purpose. because these performers of karma do not know the truth owing to their attachment, they fall from heaven, misery— stricken, when the fruit of their work is exhausted. – mundaka upanishad
  31. as flowing rivers disappear in the sea, losing their names and forms, so a wise man, freed from name and form, attains the purusha, who is greater than the great. – mundaka upanishad