Casio 210tm

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Casio 210tm Rating: 3,6/5 5628 votes

This calculator has a 12-digit display and features 2-color printing at 3.5 lines per second. New design features: metal paper holder, tax and exchange function, independent memory, full decimal system, mark-up/mark-down key, and right-shift key for easy corrections. Innovative products bring joy, create new lifestyle and pave the way for related economies - especially, if they have been developed by CASIO. Experience how creativity becomes contribution.


This Casio DR-210TM calculator prints 4.4 lines per second, has a large display, 2-Color printing and Cost/Sell/Margin calculation function, easier to use and designed and engineered for performance.

  • Large 12-digit display
  • Decimal selector
  • 2-colour printing: black and red
  • Item counter
  • Independent memory
  • Tax calculation
  • Automatic constants
  • Independent add register
  • Grand total
  • Right shift key
  • Round off/up
  • Mark up/down

Easy To Use Casio DR-210TM Calculator

This heavy-duty calculator is engineered for all your business needs. This printing calculator is capable of producing 4.4 lines per second, for even the fastest calculation entry. With a large, 12-digit display that is 33 percent larger than comparable models, and a printer than seamlessly switched between black and red, the DR-210TM calculator, makes quick work of even the most demanding equations.

Easier To Use – Designed and Engineered for Performance


  • Displays up to 12 characters
  • Large, angled display is easy on the eyes
  • Requires 2.25-inch paper rolls
  • Prints 4.4 lines per second, increasing productivity
  • 4-key memory provides easy correction for mistakes
  • Renders positive numbers in black and negative numbers in red, eliminating misreads
  • Offers convenient shortcuts like a percent key, double zero key, grand total key, and markup/down key to save time
  • Shortcuts like decimal function, cost/sell/margin, item-count function, tax-calculation ensure consistent results
  • Measures 4.3 by 8.4 by 15 inches (HxWxL), and weighs 3.7 poiunds
  • Connects to any standard outlet, eliminating the need for batteries
  • Decimal selector offers settings for floating or fixed decimal 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
  • Big display is easy on the eyes, multiple functions for all of your calculating needs
  • Power source: AC
  • Display notation: Numeric, display type: Digitron
  • Solar light is removable and is a great outdoor decor accent by day and an instant table top or hanging light source by night
  • Includes 1 x AAA 1200 mAh NiMH battery, solar disc, lantern body
  • These lanterns feature a removable circular solar disc which when placed in optimal sun location will constantly store a charge
  • to the included NiMH internal battery & provide hours of nighttime lighting f/those relaxing evenings on your patio/deck
  • Canon MP11DX Calculator, Desktop High-Speed Two-Color Printing Calculator

  • Casio FR-2650TM Calculator, 2-Color Professional Desktop Printing Calculators

User Reviews

User: Ray Cox
User Rating: ★★★★★
Great printing calculator for an office full of men. This calculator takes a beating and just keeps on coming back for more. We have five of them now and my boss wants me to get two more. Love them!

User: Guedo Fanony
User Rating: ★★★★★
Got this for use at work after our last calculator that we had for about 15 years had broken. Stuck with Casio because of the quality of the last one and so far are NOT disappointed. This calculator feels VERY nice, works perfect, and is a really great size for doing some basic accounting at your desk. Couldn't be happier!

User: John T.
User Rating: ★★★★
Nice touch if you do 10-key by touch. Seems to be durable, and it's easy to load the paper tape. I personally like that the ribbon is on 2 spools rather than a roller or a cartridge. Works fast and printout is clear. Really good value for the price.

User: CharlesHenry
User Rating: ★★★★★
this is our 3rd one not due to a bad machine but ours were old and we replaced as they quit working. ours are used a lot everyday and so I think they will last about a year maybe longer.

User: Benou
User Rating: ★★★★★
It didn't work right and kept printing all kinds of numbers that I did not enter. Decided to buy new because I like this unit better than the other brands and had one before that lasted about 5 years. It is very quiet and fast, and the keyboard feel is really nice. I should also say that I'm a self-employed bookkeeper and have used Many calculators. This one is my favorite in 41 years using various brands/models.

User: Joyce N.
User Rating: ★★★★★
Casio dr-210tm calculator is just perfect printing calculator, the calculator works great, however don't go by the instruction booklet. It is impossible to understand. I was a little disappointed that it did not have a battery backup so there is no time setting and I have to set the date every day.

User: Haylee
User Rating: ★★★★
I had a Casio 10 key (maybe an old term?) for over 20 years and was used to the layout of the keys so when mine died I got this one because the key layout was the same. Yes, as another reviewer said, it is big, but all good quality 10 keys are big. I don't find it any larger than the one I had so I am happy enough with the size. I really like the new and improved extra large display and the keys are much softer and the machine is much quieter. I'm happy with it. As for the difference between this one and the other one on Amazon that appears to be the exact same. Other than the price, I'm not sure what the difference is. This works for my simple bookkeeping needs.

User: Remi Thursday
User Rating: ★★★★
Two things you should know about this casio calculator:
1. It does some pretty spectacular business calculations. If you are figuring margin, need a running total, need to add or remove tax, or need to figure against the same number several times in a row, it can do it, plus a bunch of other great stuff.
2. It's comically large. Seriously, this thing is the size of my head (and I have a pretty big head). Some of the other reviews said 'larger than expected'. They probably would have been more accurate to say, 'oh, my God, how did they even deliver this thing?' Seriously, it's the size of a Buick.
I love what it can do. I will definitely be keeping it, as soon as I can clear out the extra bedroom to make some space for it.

User Rating: ★★★★★
I wanted a semi-inexpensive desktop printing calculator. This meets my criteria! The keys are sturdy and don't wobble to the side when pressed. It makes a quiet, short, deep sound. The tapes print nicely. After all my comparison shopping, I'm glad this was the purchase made.

User: SandiWeber
User Rating: ★★★★★
Great calculator. Works great and lasts. I've gotten 3 of these for our staff now. They all like them.


E F S Po N Tr Ch A

DR-120TM/140TM/210TM/ DR-120TM/140TM/210TM/ 240TM/250TM/270TM 240TM/250TM/270TM FR-2650TM FR-2650TM

User’s Guide

Mode d’emploi

Guía del usuario

Guia do Usuário

Pedoman Pemakaian

Kullanım Kılavuzu


6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome

Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8543, Japan


NOTICE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.

However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Caution: Changes or modification to the product not expressly approved by CASIO could void the user’s authority to operate the product.


Perchlorate Material – special handling may apply. See

CASIO Europe GmbH

Bornbarch 10, 22848 Norderstedt, Germany


k Before using the calculator for the first time...

Pull out the insulating paper in the direction indicated by the arrow.

k La première fois que vous utilisez la calculatrice…

Détachez le papier isolant en le tirant dans le sens de la flèche.

k Antes de usar la calculadora por primera vez...

Tire hacia afuera el papel de aislación en la dirección indicada por la flecha.

k Antes de utilizar a calculadora pela primeira vez...

Casio 210tm

Puxe o papel isolante na direção indicada pela seta.

k Sebelum menggunakan kalkulator untuk pertama kalinya...

Tarik keluar kertas pelapis sesuai arah yang ditunjukkan dengan panah.

k Hesap makinesinin ilk kullanımından önce...

Yalıtım ka¤ıdını okla gösterilen yöne do¤ru çekin.

k! ///



– 1 –



NOTICE ...............................................................


kCalculations ..............................................................


kHandling the Calculator...............................................


kData Print Function ...................................................


kAbout the Input Buffer .................................................


kUsing the Clock......................................................... 26

kBack-up Battery ..........................................................


kMaking Corrections ...................................................


kRESET Button.............................................................


kPrinting Reference Numbers.....................................


kReplacing the Printer Ribbon (Type RB-02

kErrors ........................................................................




kReplacing the Battery................................................


kLoading the Paper Roll .............................................




GENERAL GUIDE.............................................


kAbout the Selectors...................................................


• Be sure to keep all user documentation handy for future reference.


Θ Handling the Calculator

The spools of the printing ribbon are secured in place by tape before the calculator is shipped from the factory. Be sure to remove this tape before using the calculator for the first time.

Never try to take the calculator apart.

To clean the calculator, wipe it off with a soft cloth.

Switch power off after use or if you do not plan to use the calculator. It is best to unplug from the AC outlet if you do not plan to use the calculator for a long time.

In no event will CASIO and its suppliers be liable to you or any other person for any damages, including any incidental or consequential expenses, lost profits, lost saving or any other damages arising out of use of this product.

Θ About the Input Buffer

Depending on the model, the calculator’s input buffer can hold up to 12 or 14 key operations (both number entries and function commands). This means you can continue key input even while another operation is being processed.

Θ Back-up Battery (DR-250TM/270TM)

This calculator comes with a built-in memory back-up battery that provides power to retain the values stored in memory when the calculator is not plugged in to an AC power outlet. The memory back-up battery requires periodic replacement, about once every 11 months. After that time, input data may change or be deleted while you are using the calculator. Refer to “Replacing the Battery” when replacing the battery.


Incorrectly replacing the battery creates the risk of explosion.

Use a CR2032 type battery only.

Dispose of used batteries according to the battery manufacturer’s instructions.

Θ RESET Button

Pressing the RESET button deletes calculation memory contents, independent memory contents, grand total memory contents, tax rate settings, time and date settings, data content settings, etc. Be sure to keep separate records of all important settings and numeric data to protect against accidental loss.

Press the RESET button on the back of the calculator to restore normal operation whenever the calculator does not operate correctly. If pressing the RESET button does not restore normal operation, contact your original retailer or nearby dealer.

– 2 –



NOTICE ...............................................................


kCalculs ......................................................................


kA propos de la calculatrice ..........................................


kFonction d’impression de données ...........................


kA propos du tampon d’entrée......................................


kUtilisation de l’horloge............................................... 26

kPile de sauvegarde .....................................................




kBouton RESET............................................................


kImpression des numéros de référence .....................


kRemplacement du ruban d’imprimante (type

kErreurs ......................................................................


RB-02 (noir/rouge)) ....................................................


kRemplacement de la pile ..........................................


kChargement du rouleau de papier ............................


kFiche technique.........................................................


GUIDE GENERAL ............................................


kA propos des sélecteurs............................................


• Conservez la documentation à portée de main pour toute référence future.


Θ A propos de la calculatrice

Les bobines du ruban d’imprimante sont maintenues en place avec du ruban adhésif lorsque la calculatrice est expédiée de l’usine. N’oubliez pas d’enlever ce ruban adhésif avant d’utiliser la calculatrice pour la première fois.

N’essayez jamais de démonter la calculatrice.

Pour nettoyer la calculatrice, essuyez-la avec un chiffon doux.

Coupez l’alimentation après utilisation ou si vous envisagez de ne pas utiliser la machine. Il est préférable de débrancher le cordon à la prise murale si vous envisagez de ne pas utiliser pas la machine pendant un long moment.

CASIO et ses fournisseurs n’assument aucune responsabilité envers l’utilisateur ou des tiers pour les dommages éventuels, y compris les dépenses et les pertes de gains, de profits ou d’économies, ou tout autre inconvénient pouvant résulter de l’utilisation de ce produit.

Θ A propos du tampon d’entrée

Selon le modèle, le tampon d’entrée de la calculatrice peut contenir en tout 12 ou 14 opérations de touches (saisies de nombres et commandes de fonction). Cela signifie que vous pouvez continuer à appuyer sur des touches même pendant le traitement d’une autre opération.

Θ Pile de sauvegarde (DR-250TM/270TM)

Cette calculatrice est livrée avec une pile de sauvegarde de la mémoire qui fournit l’alimentation nécessaire pour retenir les valeurs mémorisées lorsqu’elle n’est pas branchée sur une prise secteur. La pile de sauvegarde de la mémoire doit être remplacée périodiquement, c’est-à-dire tous les 11 mois environ. Après cette limite, les données saisies peuvent changer ou être effacées lorsque vous utilisez la calculatrice. Reportez-vous à « Remplacement de la pile » lorsque vous voulez remplacer la pile.


Risque d’explosion en cas de remplacement incorrect de la pile.

Utilisez une pile de type CR2032 seulement.

Mettez les piles usées au rebut selon les instructions du fabricant de piles.

Θ Bouton RESET

Une pression sur le bouton RESET supprime tout le contenu de la mémoire de calcul, le contenu de la mémoire indépendante, le contenu de la mémoire de total général, les taux de taxation fixés, l’heure et la date spécifiées et les réglages du contenu de données. Conservez toujours des copies des réglages et des données numériques que vous jugez importants pour vous protéger contre une perte éventuelle.

Appuyez sur le bouton RESET au dos de la calculatrice lorsque la calculatrice fonctionne mal pour rétablir un fonctionnement normal. Si la calculatrice ne fonctionne toujours pas normalement après une pression de ce bouton, adressez-vous à votre détaillant ou au revendeur le plus proche.





kCálculos ....................................................................


kManejo de la calculadora ............................................


kFunción de impresión de datos................................. 25

kAcerca de la memoria intermedia de entrada .............


kUsando el reloj ..........................................................


kPila de protección de memoria ...................................


kHaciendo correcciones .............................................


kBotón RESET..............................................................


kImpresión de números de referencia ........................


kCambiando la cinta de impresión (Tipo RB-02

kErrores ......................................................................


(negro/rojo)) ...............................................................


kCambiando la pila .....................................................


kColocación del rollo de papel....................................


kEspecificaciones .......................................................


GUÍA GENERAL ..............................................


kAcerca de los selectores...........................................


• Asegúrese de tener a mano toda la documentación del usuario para futuras consultas.


Θ Manejo de la calculadora

Los carretes de la cinta de impresión se aseguran en posición mediante cinta antes de que la calculadora sea despachada desde la fábrica. Asegúrese de quitar esta cinta antes de usar la calculadora por primera vez.

No trate de desarmar la calculadora.

Para limpiar la calculadora, limpie con un paño suave.

Apague la calculadora después de usarla o si piensa que no la va a usar. Lo mejor es desenchufarla desde la toma de CA si tiene pensado no usar la calculadora durante un largo período de tiempo.

En ningún caso CASIO ni sus suministradores serán responsables ante Ud. o cualquier otra persona por ningún daño, incluyendo cualesquier gasto incidental o consecuente, pérdidas de lucro, pérdidas de ahorros u otros daños que puedan ser ocasionados por el uso de este producto.

Θ Acerca de la memoria intermedia de entrada

Dependiendo del modelo, la memoria intermedia de entrada de la calculadora puede retener hasta 12 ó 14 operaciones de teclas (tanto entradas numéricas como comandos de funciones). Esto significa que podrá continuar con el ingreso por teclas incluso mientras se esté procesando otra operación.

Θ Pila de protección de memoria (DR-250TM/270TM)

Esta calculadora viene con una pila de protección de memoria incorporada, que proporciona alimentación para retener los valores almacenados en la memoria, cuando la calculadora no se encuentra enchufada en un tomacorriente de CA. La pila de protección de la memoria requiere un reemplazo periódico, de aproximadamente una vez cada 11 meses. Luego de este tiempo, los datos ingresados se podrían alterar o borrar mientras está usando la calculadora. Para reemplazar la pila, consulte “Cambiando la pila”.


Reemplazando la pila incorrectamente crea el riesgo de explosión.

Utilice únicamente una pila de tipo CR2032.

Deseche las pilas usadas de acuerdo con las instrucciones del fabricante de la pila.


Presionando el botón RESET se borran los contenidos de la memoria de cálculo, contenidos de la memoria independiente, contenidos de la memoria de total general, ajustes de tasa de impuesto, ajustes de hora y fecha, ajustes de contenido de datos, etc. Asegúrese de guardar registros separados de todos los datos numéricos y ajustes importantes para evitar pérdidas accidentales.

Presione el botón RESET en la parte trasera de la calculadora para restaurar la operación normal siempre que la calculadora no opere correctamente. Si presionando el botón RESET no reposiciona la operación normal, comuníquese con su vendedor original o concesionario más cercano.





kCálculos ....................................................................


kManuseio da calculadora ............................................


kFunção de impressão de dados................................


kSobre a memória intermediária de entrada ................


kUso do relógio........................................................... 26

kPilha de back-up .........................................................


kCorreções .................................................................


kBotão RESET..............................................................


kImpressão de números de referência .......................


kSubstituição da fita de impressão (Tipo RB-02

kErros .........................................................................


(preto/vermelho)) .......................................................


kTroca da pilha ...........................................................


kColocação do rolo de papel ......................................


kEspecificações ..........................................................


GUIA GERAL ...................................................


kSobre os seletores ....................................................


• Certifique-se de guardar toda a documentação do usuário à mão para futuras referências.


Θ Manuseio da calculadora

Os carretéis da fita de impressão são sujeitos em posição por uma fita antes que a calculadora seja despachada da fábrica. Certifique-se de retirar esta fita antes de usar a calculadora pela primeira vez.

Nunca tente desmontar a calculadora.

Utilize um pano macio para limpar a calculadora.

Desligue a alimentação após o uso ou se você não planeja usar a calculadora. É melhor desconectar o adaptador da tomada elétrica se você não planeja utilizar a calculadora durante um longo período de tempo.

Em nenhuma circunstância a CASIO e seus fornecedores se responsabilizarão por danos incorridos por você ou qualquer outra pessoa, incluindo quaisquer despesas incidentais ou conseqüentes, perda de lucro, perda de poupança ou quaisquer outros danos decorrentes do uso deste produto.

Θ Sobre a memória intermediária de entrada

Dependendo do modelo, a memória intermediária da calculadora pode reter até 12 ou 14 operações de teclas (tanto entradas numéricas como comandos de funções). Isso significa que você pode continuar uma entrada de teclas mesmo enquanto uma outra operação estiver sendo processada.

Θ Pilha de back-up (DR-250TM/270TM)

Esta calculadora vem com uma pilha de back-up incorporada da memória que fornece a energia para reter os valores armazenados na memória quando a calculadora não está conectada a uma tomada elétrica. A pilha de back-up da memória requer uma troca periódica, aproximadamente uma vez cada 11 meses. Após esse tempo, os dados introduzidos podem ser alterados ou apagados durante o uso da calculadora. Consulte “Troca da pilha” ao trocar a pilha.


A troca incorreta da pilha cria o risco de explosão.

Utilize somente uma pilha do tipo CR2032.

Descarte-se de pilhas usadas de acordo com as instruções do fabricante das pilhas.


Pressionar o botão RESET apaga o conteúdo da memória de cálculo, conteúdo da memória independente, conteúdo da memória do total geral, definições da taxa de imposto, definições da hora e data, definições do conteúdo dos dados, etc. Certifique-se de manter registros separados de todas as definições e dados numéricos importantes para proteger-se contra uma perda acidental.

Pressione o botão RESET na parte posterior da calculadora para restaurar o funcionamento normal toda vez que a calculadora não funcionar corretamente. Se a pressão do botão RESET não restaurar o funcionamento normal, entre em contato com o revendedor original ou distribuidor mais próximo.

– 5 –

Bahasa Indonesia


PERHATIAN ........................................................




kPenanganan Kalkulator...............................................


kFungsi Cetak Data ....................................................


kTentang Penyangga Input ...........................................


kMenggunakan Jam ...................................................


kBaterai Cadangan .......................................................


kMembuat Koreksi-koreksi .........................................


kTombol RESET ...........................................................


kPencetakan Bilangan-bilangan Referensi................. 29

kMengganti Pita Pencetak (Jenis RB-02

kError-error .................................................................


(hitam/merah)) ...........................................................


kMengganti Baterai..................................................... 32

kMemasang Penggulung Kertas.................................


kSpesifikasi-spesifikasi ...............................................


PETUNJUK UMUM ..........................................


kTentang Pemilih-pemilih............................................


• Pastikan untuk menyimpan semua dokumentasi pemakai yang mudah terjangkau untuk referensi masa datang.


Θ Penanganan Kalkulator

Gulungan pita pencetak tersimpan aman di tempatnya dengan plester sebelum kalkulator dikirimkan dari pabrik. Pastikan melepas plester sebelum menggunakan kalkulator untuk pertama kalinya.

Jangan pernah mencoba untuk membuka bagian dalam.

Untuk membersihkan kalkulator, lap dengan kain yang halus.

Matikan daya setelah menggunakan atau jika Anda tidak berencana untuk menggunakan kalkulator. Paling baik memutus dari stop kontak AC jika Anda tidak menggunakan kalkulator untuk waktu lama.

Dalam hal apa pun CASIO dan pemasoknya tidak bertanggung jawab kepada Anda dan orang lain untuk kerusakan, termasuk biaya tambahan atau biaya sebagai akibat, kehilangan keuntungan, kehilangan simpanan atau kerusakan lainnya yang timbul sebagai akibat dari penggunaan produk ini.

Θ Tentang Penyangga Input

Tergantung pada modelnya, penyangga memori input kalkulator dapat menyimpan hingga 12 atau 14 tombol operasi (baik nomor entri dan fungsi perintah). Ini berarti Anda bisa melanjutkan memasukkan data bahkan saat operasi lainnya sedang diproses.

Θ Baterai Cadangan (DR-250TM/270TM)

Kalkulator ini dilengkapi dengan baterai cadangan untuk memori yang terpasang, sehingga memberi daya untuk mempertahankan data yang tersimpan di dalam memori saat kalkulator tidak terhubung ke stopkontak daya AC. Baterai cadangan untuk memori harus diganti secara berkala, setiap 11 bulan. Jika baterai tetap dipakai setelah waktu tersebut, data yang dimasukkan mungkin akan berubah atau terhapus saat Anda menggunakan kalkulator. Rujuk ke “Mengganti Baterai” saat mengganti baterai.


Penggantian baterai secara tidak tepat dapat berisiko terjadi ledakan.

Gunakan hanya jenis baterai CR2032.

Buanglah baterai bekas sesuai dengan petunjuk pabrik baterai.

Θ Tombol RESET

Menekan tombol RESET dapat menghapus isi memori penghitungan, isi memori independen, isi memori jumlah total, pengaturan tingkat pajak, pengaturan waktu dan tanggal, pengaturan isi data, dll. Pastikan untuk memisahkan catatan tentang semua pengaturan penting dan data numerik untuk melindunginya dari kehilangan tanpa sengaja.

Tekan tombol RESET di belakang kalkulator untuk memperbaiki operasi normal kapan pun kalkulator tidak dapat bekerja secara tepat. Jika menekan tombol RESET tidak dapat memperbaiki operasi normal, hubungi penyalur asli Anda atau dealer terdekat.

– 6 –





kHesap Makinenizin Kullan›m›......................................


kGirifl Anabelle¤i Hakk›nda...........................................


kHafıza Koruma Pili ......................................................


kRESET (‹PTAL) Dü¤mesi............................................


kYazıcı fieridinin De¤ifltirilmesi (Type RB-02

(siyah/kırmızı)) ...........................................................


kKa¤›t Rulosunun Tak›lmas› .......................................


GENEL KILAVUZ...............................................


kSelektörler Hakk›nda.................................................




kVeri Yazım Fonksiyonu .............................................


kSaatin Kullanımı........................................................ 26

kDüzeltmelerin Yap›lmas› ...........................................


kYaz›c› Referans Numaralar›...................................... 29

kHatalar ......................................................................


kPilin De¤ifltirilmesi.....................................................


kÖzellikler ...................................................................


• Gelecekte ihtiyaç duyabilece¤iniz için bütün kullanım dokümantasyonunu özenle saklayınız.


kHesap Makinenizin Kullan›m›

Yazıcı fleridinin bobini hesap makinesi fabrikadayken güvenlik bantıyla tutturulmufltur. Hesap makinesinin ilk kullanımından önce bu bantı çıkardı¤ınızdan emin olun.

Kesinlikle parçalamaya çal›flmay›n›z.

Casio Calculator Manual Dr-210tm

Hesap makinenizi temizlemek için, yumuflak bir bezle siliniz.

Kulland›ktan sonra veya kullanmay› düflünmedi¤iniz zaman gücü kapat›n. Uzun süre kullanmay› düflünmüyorsan›z AC ç›k›fl›n› ç›karman›z en iyisidir.


CASIO ve da¤›t›c›lar› bu üründen kaynaklanabilecek size veya bir baflkas›na, kas›tl› veya tesadüfen gelebilecek maddi veya manevi zararlara ve kay›plara karfl› sorumluluk kabul etmez.

kGirifl Anabelle¤i Hakk›nda

Modele ba¤lı olarak, hesap makinesinin girdi arabelle¤i 12 yada 14 tufl ifllemine kadar koruyabilir (hem sayı hem de fonksiyon girdileri). Bu demektir ki, baflka bir ifllem devam ederken de tufl girdisi yapabilirsiniz.

kHafıza Koruma Pili (DR-250TM/270TM)

Bu hesap makinesinde güç kayna¤ının ba¤lı olmadı¤ı durumlarda da haıfzadaki de¤erlerin korunabilmesi için üzerinde sabit pil bulunur. Hafıza koruma pilinin periyodik olarak 11 ayda bir defa de¤ifltirilmesi gerekmektedir. Pilin de¤ifltirilmesinden sonra hesap makinesini kullanırken girdi¤iniz de¤erler silinebilir yada de¤iflebilir. Pili de¤ifltirirken “Pilin De¤ifltirilmesi” kısmına bakın.


Yanlıfl pilin kullanılması patlama tehlikesi do¤urur. Sadece CR2032 türünde pil kullanın.

Kullanılmıfl pilleri pil üreticisinin talimatı do¤rultusunda atın.

kRESET (‹PTAL) Dü¤mesi

RESET (iptal) dü¤mesine basarsanız hesaplama hafızası içeri¤i, ba¤ımsız hafıza içeri¤i, genel toplam hafıza, vergi oran ayarları, zaman ve tarih ayarları, data içeri¤i ayarları vs. silinir. Yanlıfllıkla silme ihtimaline karflı, bütün önemli belirlemeleri, sayısal verileri baflka bir yerde saklayınız.

Hesap makineniz normal bir flekilde çalıflmadı¤ı zaman, hesap makinenizin arkasındaki RESET (iptal) dü¤mesine basarak hesap makinenizi ilk durumuna getiriniz. fiayet RESET (iptal) dü¤mesine basınca hesap makineniz ilk durumuna gelmiyorsa, satın aldı¤ınız veya en yakındaki bayiye danıflın.




























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